

Foshag, K., Fürle, J., Ludwig, C., Fallmann, J., Lautenbach, S., Rupp, S., Burst, P., Betsch, M., Zipf, A., & Aeschbach, N.. 2024. „How to assess the needs of vulnerable population groups towards heat-sensitive routing? An evidence-based and practical approach to reducing urban heat stress„. ERDKUNDE.1-33.

Fulman, N., Grinblat, Y., Benenson, I.. 2023. “A Project-Based View of Urban Dynamics: Analyzing ‘Leapfrogging’ and Fringe Development in Israel”. 10.2139/ssrn.4587420.

Fulman, N., Memduhoğlu, A., Zipf A.. 2024. „Evidence for Systematic Bias in the Spatial Memory of Large Language Models„. CEUR. Workshop procedings. Vol 3683.

Fulman, N., Memduhoğlu, A., Zipf A. 2024. „Distortions in Judged Spatial Relations in Large Language Models“. The Professional Geographer (accepted for publication, 2024)

Hatfield, C., Kustar, A., Reinmuth, M., Cap, C., Beshir, AA., Klopp, J., Zipf, A. Rising, J. Tun, T.. 2024. “Lessons in Traffic: Nairobi’s School Term Congestion and Equity Challenges”. 10.1016/j.ijepes.2021.00.000.

Knoblauch, S., Groß, S., Lautenbach, S., de Aragão Rocha, A. A., González, M. C., Resch, B., Arifi, D., Jänisch, T., Morales, I., & Zipf, A.. 2024. „Long-term validation of inner-urban mobility metrics derived from Twitter/X„. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 0(0).

Knoblauch, S., Szamek, L., Wenk, J. Chazua, I.,  Maholi, I., Adamiak, M., Lautenbach, S., Zipf, A.. 2024. „UAV-Assisted Municipal Solid Waste Monitoring for Informed Disposal Decisions„. GoodIT’24.

Knoblauch, S., Su Yin, M., Chatrinan, K. et al.. 2024. „High-resolution mapping of urban Aedes aegypti immature abundance through breeding site detection based on satellite and street view imagery„. Sci Rep 14, 18227.

Li, W., Arundel, S., Gao, S., Goodchild, M., Hu, Y., Wang, S., & Zipf, A.. 2024. „GeoAI for Science and the Science of GeoAI„. Journal of Spatial Information Science, 29, 1-17.

Memduhoğlu, A., Fulman, N., Zipf, A..2024. „Enriching building function classification using Large Language Model embeddings of OpenStreetMap Tags„. Earth Science Informatics.

Schott, M., Zell, A., Lautenbach, S., Sumbul, G., Schultz, M., Zipf, A., Demir, B..2024. “Analyzing and Improving the Quality and Fitness for Purpose of OpenStreetMap as Labels in Remote Sensing Applications”. In: Burghardt, D., Demidova, E., Keim, D.A. (eds) Volunteered Geographic Information. Springer, Cham. p. 21-42


Bayer, A., Lautenbach, S., Arneth, A.. 2023. „More food, more water, less carbon? Costs and benefits of global land use optimality.“ PNAS 120, 42, e2220371120.

Bayer, A. D., Lautenbach, S., Arneth, A.. 2023. Benefits and trade-offs of optimizing global land use for food, water, and carbon„. PNAS 120, 42, e2220371120.

Benedyk, A., Moldavski, A., Reichert, M., Reinhard, I., Lohr, S., Schwarz, K., Berhe, O., Höflich, A., Lautenbach, S., von der Goltz, C., Ebner-Priemer, U., Zipf, A., Tost, H., Meyer-Lindenberg, A.. 2023. „Initial response to the COVID-19 pandemic on real-life well-being, social contact and roaming behavior in patients with schizophrenia, major depression and healthy controls: A longitudinal ecological momentary assessment study.European Neuropsychopharmacology S0924977X23000172.

Blinn M., Fischer, A., Lautenbach, S., Weiß, D., Grade, J., Heyn, T., Abraham, T., Lennartz, F., Kötter, T.. 2023. „Flächeneffiziente Siedlungsentwicklung in dynamischen Stadtregionen – Szenarien zur Umsetzung des Nachhaltigkeitsziels Fläche am Beispiel der Region Köln.“ fub – Flächenmanagement und Bodenordnung. 5, 197-207.

de Albuquerque, J., Anderson, L., Calvillo, N., Cattino, M., Clarke, A., Cunha, M., Garde-Hansen, J., Klonner, C., Lima-Silva, F., Marchezini, V., da Mata Martins, M., Grajales, D., Pitidis, V., Rizwan, M., Tkacz, N., Trajber, R.. 2023. „Dialogic data innovations for sustainability transformations and flood resilience: The case for waterproofing data.“ Global Environmental Change Volume 82.

Groß, S., Herfort, B., Marx, S., and Zipf, A.. 2023. „Exploring MapSwipe as a Crowdsourcing Tool for (Rapid) Damage Assessment: The Case of the 2021 Haiti Earthquake.“ AGILE GIScience Ser., 4, 5.

Herfort, B., Lautenbach, S., Porto de Albuquerque, S. J., Anderson, J., Zipf, A.. 2023. „A spatio-temporal analysis investigating completeness and inequalities of global urban building data in OpenStreetMap.“ Nature Communications volume 14. Article number: 3985.

Hong, D., Zhang, B., Li, H., Li, Y., Yao, J., Li, C, Werner, M., Chanussot, J., Zipf, A., Zhu, X. X.. 2023. „Cross-city matters: A multimodal remote sensing benchmark dataset for cross-city semantic segmentation using high-resolution domain adaptation networks.“ Remote Sensing of Environment. Volume 299.

Klinkhardt, C., Kühnel, F. Heilig, M., Lautenbach, S., Wörle, T., Vortisch, P., Kuhnimhof, T.. 2023. „Quality Assessment of OpenStreetMap’s Points of Interest with Large-Scale Real Data.“ Transportation Research Record. 03611981231169280

Knoblauch, S., Li, H., Lautenbach, S., Elshiaty, Y., Rocha, A. A. de A., Resch, B., Arifi, D., Jänisch, T., Morales, I., Zipf, A.. 2023. „Semi-supervised water tank detection to support vector control of emerging infectious diseases transmitted by Aedes Aegypti.“ International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. Vol. 119, 103304.

Lautenbach, S., Lohr, S., Reichert, M.. 2023. „Acquisition and Analysis of Location Data.“ in Mobile Sensing in Psychology: Methods and Applications, edited by Matthias R. Mehl, Michael Eid, Cornelia Wrzus, Gabriella M. Harari, Ulrich W. Ebner-Priemer, Guilford, p. 85-104.

Ludwig, C., Psotta, J., Buch, A., Kolaxidis, N., Fendrich, S., Zia, M., Fürle, J., Rousell, A., and Zipf, A.. 2023. „Traffic speed modelling to improve travel estimation in OpenRouteService.“ Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLVIII-4/W7-2023, 109–116.

Martinez-Soto, A., Fürle, J., Zipf, A.. 2023. „Urban Heat Island Intensity Prediction in the Context of Heat Waves: An Evaluation of Model Performance.“ Engineering Proceedings. 39(1):80.

Randhawa S., Randhawa G., Sivak O., Zech J., Martin M., Zipf A., Li Y.. 2023. „Multiscale Multifeature Vision Learning for Scalable and Efficient Wastewater Treatment Plant Detection using Hi-Res Satellite Imagery and OSM. In Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Advances in Urban-AI (UrbanAI ’23).“ Association for Computing Machinery. New York, NY, USA. 10–21, 2023.

Schott, M., Zell, A., Lautenbach, S., Sumbul, G., Schultz, M., Zipf, A., Demir, B.. 2024. „Analyzing and Improving the Quality and Fitness for Purpose of OpenStreetMap as Labels in Remote Sensing Applications.“ In: Burghardt, D., Demidova, E., Keim, D.A. (eds) Volunteered Geographic Information. Springer, Cham. p. 21-42

Ullah T, Lautenbach S, Herfort B, Reinmuth M, Schorlemmer D.. 2023. „Assessing Completeness of OpenStreetMap Building Footprints Using MapSwipe.“ ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 12(4):143.

Ulrich, V.; Brückner, J.; Schultz, M.; Vardag, S.N.; Ludwig, C.; Fürle, J.; Zia, M.; Lautenbach, S.; Zipf, A.. 2023. „Vehicles Greenhouse Gas Emission Estimation at Street Level for Berlin Based on Open Data.ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2023, 12, 138.

Ulrich, V., Schultz, M., Lautenbach, S., & Zipf, A.. 2023. „Carbon fluxes related to land use and land cover change in Baden-Württemberg.“ Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 195, 616, 2023.


Grajales, D. F. P., Degrossi, L. C., Barros, D., Khan, M. R., Silva, F. L., Cunha, M. A.. 2022. „Enabling Participatory Flood Monitoring Through Cloud Services.“ In Rob Grace, & Hossein Baharmand (Eds.), ISCRAM 2022 Conference Proceedings – 19th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management. pp. 213–223. Tarbes, France.

Li, H., Herfort, B., Lautenbach, S., Chen, J. & Zipf, A. 2022. „Improving OpenStreetMap missing building detection using few-shot transfer learning in sub-Saharan Africa.“ Transactions in GIS. 00, 1–22.

Petricola, S., Reinmuth, M., Lautenbach, S., Hatfield, C., Zipf, A.. 2022. „Assessing road criticality and loss of healthcare accessibility during floods: the case of Cyclone Idai, Mozambique 2019.“ Internat. Journal of Health Geographies. 21, 14.

Ulrich, V., Brückner, J., Schultz, M., Vardag, S. N., Ludwig, C., Fürle, J., Zia, M., Lautenbach, S., Zipf, A.. 2020. „Private Vehicles Greenhouse Gas Emission Estimation at Street Level for Berlin Based on Open Data .“ ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf.. 12(4), 138.

Zia, M., Fürle, J, Ludwig, C., Lautenbach, S., Gumbrich, S., Zipf, A.. 2022. „SocialMedia2Traffic: Derivation of traffic information from social media data – still processed.“ ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf.. 11(9), 482.


Brückner, J., Schott, M., Zipf, A., Lautenbach, S.. 2021. „Assessing shop completeness in OpenStreetMap for two federal states in Germany.“ AGILE GIScience Series. 2(20): 1-7.

Fritz, O., Auer, M., Zipf, A.. 2021. „Entwicklung eines Regressionsmodells für die Vollständigkeitsanalyse des globalen OpenStreetMap-Datenbestands an Nahverkehrs-Busstrecken.“ AGIT ‒ Journal Für Angewandte Geoinformatik. 7-2021.

Godwin, Y.; de Albuquerque, J.; Troilo, R.; Tregonning, G.; et al.. 2021.“Analysis of OpenStreetMap Data Quality at Different Stages of a Participatory Mapping Process: Evidence from Slums in Africa and Asia.“ ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf.. 10(4): 265.

Grinberger, A.Y., Schott, M., Raifer, M., Zipf, A.. 2021.“An analysis of the spatial and temporal distribution of large‐scale data production events in OpenStreetMap.“ Transactions in GIS. 00: 1– 20.

Herfort, B., Lautenbach, S., Porto de Albuquerque, J., Anderson, J., Zipf, A.. 2021. „The evolution of humanitarian mapping within the OpenStreetMap community.“ Scientific Reports. 11: 3037.

Hu, X., Noskov, A., Fan, H., Novack, T., Li, H., Gu, F., Shang, J. & Zipf, A.. 2021. „Tagging the main entrances of public buildings based on OpenStreetMap and binary imbalanced learning.“ International Journal of Geographical Information Science.

Klipper, I. G., Zipf, A., Lautenbach, S.. 2021. „Flood Impact Assessment on Road Network and Healthcare Access at the example of Jakarta, Indonesia.“ AGILE GIScience Series. 2(4): 1-11.

Klonner, C., Hartmann, M., Dischl, R., Djami, L., Anderson, L., Raifer, M., Lima-Silva, F., Degrossi, L. C., Zipf, A., de Albuquerque, C. P.. 2021. „The Sketch Map Tool Facilitates the Assessment of OpenStreetMap Data for Participatory Mapping.“ ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf.. 10(3): 130.

Lautenbach, S., Bayer, A. D. & Arneth, A.. 2021.“Quantifizierung von Zielkonflikten globaler Landnutzung mit Hilfe mehrdimensionaler Optimierung und LPJ-GUESS.“ In: Reussner, R. H., Koziolek, A. & Heinrich, R. (Hrsg.), INFORMATIK 2020. Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn. 1095-1107.

Ludwig, C.; Hecht, R.; Lautenbach, S.; Schorcht, M.; Zipf, A.. 2021. „Mapping Public Urban Green Spaces Based on OpenStreetMap and Sentinel-2 Imagery Using Belief Functions.“ ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf.. 10(4): 251.

Pisl, J., Li, H., Lautenbach, S., Herfort, B., Zipf, A.. 2021. „Detecting OpenStreetMap missing buildings by transferring pre-trained deep neural networks.“ AGILE GIScience Series. 2(39): 1-7.

Schott, M., Grinberger A. Y., Lautenbach, S., Zipf, A.. 2021. „The Impact of Community Happenings in OpenStreetMap—Establishing a Framework for Online Community Member Activity Analyses.“ ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf.. 10(3): 164.

Witt, R., Loos, L., Zipf, A.. 2021. „Analysing the Impact of Large Data Imports in OpenStreetMap.“ ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf.. 10(8): 528.


Geldsetzer, P.; Reinmuth, M.; O Ouma, P.; Lautenbach, S.; A Okiro, E.; Bärnighausen, T.; Zipf, A.. 2020. „ Mapping physical access to health care for older adults in sub-Saharan Africa and implications for the COVID-19 response: a cross-sectional analysis.“ The Lancet Healthy Longevity. 1 (1): e32-e42.

Hu, X., Ding, L., Shang, J., Fan, H., Novack, T., Noskov, A. & Zipf, A.. 2020. „Data-driven approach to learning salience models of indoor landmarks by using genetic programming.“ International Journal of Digital Earth.

Hu, X.; Fan, H.; Noskov, A. ; Wang, Z.; Zipf, A.; Gu, F.; Shang, J. . 2020. „Room Semantics Inference Using Random Forest and Relational Graph Convolutional Network. A Case Study of Research Buildings.“ Transactions in GIS.

Juhász, L., Novack T., Hochmair, H., Qiao, S.. 2020. „Cartographic Vandalism in the Era of Location-Based Games—The Case of OpenStreetMap and Pokémon GO.“ ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 9 (4): 197.

Li, H.; Ghamisi, P.; Rasti, B.; Wu, Z.; Shapiro, A.; Schultz, M.; Zipf, A.. 2020. „A Multi-Sensor Fusion Framework Based on Coupled Residual Convolutional Neural Networks.“ Remote Sensing. 12: 2067.

Li, H., Herfort, B., Huang, W., Zia, M. and Zipf, A.. 2020. „Exploration of OpenStreetMap Missing Built-up Areas using Twitter Hierarchical Clustering and Deep Learning in Mozambique.“ ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.

Ludwig, C., S. Fendrich, T. Novack, S. Marx, A. Oleś, S. Lautenbach, A. Zipf. 2020. „Optimal ans Ziel: Routing-Dienste auf Basis nutzergenerierter Geodaten – Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze für globale Datensätze.“ In: Zagl, Loidl (Hrsg.): Geo-IT in Mobilität und Verkehr, Geoinformatik als Grundlage für moderne Verkehrsplanung und Mobilitätsmanagement. VDE Wichmann Verlag. S. 89-106.

Ludwig, C.; Fendrich, S.; Zipf, A.. 2020. „Regional variations of context‐based association rules in OpenStreetMap.“ Transactions in GIS.

Novack T., Vorbeck L., Lorei H., Zipf A. (2020). 2020. „Towards Detecting Building Facades with Graffiti Artwork Based on Street View Images.“ ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 9 (2): 98.

Reichert, M., Braun, U., Lautenbach, S., Zipf, A., Ebner-Priemer, U., Tost, H., Meyer-Lindenberg, A.. 2020. „Studying the impact of built environments on human mental health in everyday life: methodological developments, state-of-the-art and technological frontiers.“ Current Opinion in Psychology. 32: 158-164.

Ries M., Mechler K., Smith D.L., Herfort B., Visintini J., Santana A.V., Zipf A., Lautenbach S.. 2020. „Intuitive Global Insight Into COVID‐19 Clinical Research Activities—The “COVID‐19 Map of Hope.“ The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology.

Wang, Z., Novack, T., Yan, Y. and Zipf, A.. 2020. „Quiet Route Planning for Pedestrians in Traffic Noise Polluted Environments.“ IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems..

Wu, Zhaoyan, Li, Hao, & Zipf, Alexander. 2020. „From Historical OpenStreetMap data to customized training samples for geospatial machine learning.“ In proceedings of the Academic Track at the State of the Map 2020 Online Conference. July 4-5 2020.

Yan, Y., C. Feng, W. Huang, H. Fan, Y. Wang & A. Zipf. 2020. „Volunteered geographic information research in the first decade: a narrative review of selected journal articles in GIScience.“ International Journal of Geographical Information Science.


Eckle, M., Lautenbach, S. & Zipf, A. 2019. „Towards bridging the gap between demand and supply in humanitarian geodata use.“ In: FRANCO, Z., GONZÁLEZ, J. J. & CANÓS, J. H. (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response And Management (ISCRAM . S. 1381–1382. 19.-22.05.2019. Valencia, Spanien.

Georgy, Sascha, Sven Lautenbach, Heiko J. Jahn, Lutz Katzschner, and Alexander Krämer. 2019. „Coupling maximum entropy modeling with geotagged social media data to determine the geographic distribution of tourists.“ International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 32 (9): 1699–1736.

Georgy, S., Lautenbach, S., Jahn, H. J., Katzschner, L., & Krämer, A. 2019. „Erfassung von hitze- und feinstaubbedingten Gesundheitsrisiken in Deutschland: Ein epidemiologischer Studienansatz.“ Bundesgesundheitsblatt – Gesundheitsforschung – Gesundheitsschutz. 62(6), 782–791.

Grinberger, A. Y., Schott, M., Raifer, M., Troilo, R. & Zipf, A.. 2019. „Analyzing the Spatio-Temporal Patterns and Impacts of Large-Scale Data Production Events in OpenStreetMap.“ In: Minghini, M., Grinberger, A.Y., Juhász, L., Yeboah, G., Mooney, P. (Eds.), 9-10. State of the Map. 21.-23.09.2019. Heidelberg.

Grinberger, A. Y., Schott, M., Raifer, M., Troilo,R., Zipf, A.. 2019. „The institutional contexts of volunteered geographic information production: a quantitative exploration of OpenStreetMap data.“ Proceedings of the GeoCultGIS – Geographic and Cultural Aspects of Geo-Information: Issues and Solutions . Limassol (Cyprus).

Herfort, B., Li, H., Fendrich, S., Lautenbach, S. & Zipf, A.. 2019. „Mapping Human Settlements with Higher Accuracy and Less Volunteer Efforts by Combining Crowdsourcing and Deep Learning.“ Remote Sensing. 11 (15): 1799.

Juhász, L., Hochmair, H., Qiao, S. & Novack, T.. 2019. „Exploring the Effects of Pokémon Go Vandalism on OpenStreetMap.“ In: Minghini, M., Grinberger, A.Y., Juhász, L., Yeboah, G., Mooney, P. (Eds.), 3-4. State of the Map. 21.-23.09.2019. Heidelberg.

Klonner, C., Hartmann, M., Djami, L. & Zipf, A.. 2019. „Ohsome’ OpenStreetMap Data Evaluation: Fitness of Field Papers for Participatory Mapping.“ In: Minghini, M., Grinberger, A.Y., Juhász, L., Yeboah, G., Mooney, P. (Eds.), 35-36. State of the Map. 21.-23.09.2019. Heidelberg.

Li, H., Herfort, B. & Zipf, A.. 2019. „Estimating OpenStreetMap Missing Built-up Areas using Pre-trained Deep Neural Networks.“ Proceedings of the 22nd AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science. 5

Lorei, H., Westerholt, R. & Zipf, A.. 2019. „Characterizing Player Types in Gamified Geodata Acquisition – An Exploratory Analysis of StreetComplete.“ In: Minghini, M., Grinberger, A.Y., Juhász, L., Yeboah, G., Mooney, P. (Eds.), 33-34. State of the Map. 21.-23.09.2019. Heidelberg.

Ludwig, C., Zipf, A.. 2019. „Exploring regional differences in the representation of urban green spaces in OpenStreetMap.“ Proceedings of the GeoCultGIS – Geographic and Cultural Aspects of Geo-Information: Issues and Solutions. Limassol (Cyprus).

Ludwig, C., Hecht, R., Lautenbach, S., Schorcht, M. & Zipf, A.. 2019. „Assessing the Completeness of Urban Green Spaces in OpenStreetMap.“ In: Minghini, M., Grinberger, A.Y., Juhász, L., Yeboah, G., Mooney, P. (Eds.), 21-22. State of the Map. 21.-23.09.2019. Heidelberg.

Mocnik, F.-B., Ludwig, C., Grinberger, A. Y., Jacobs, C., Klonner, C., Raifer, M.. 2019. „Shared Data Sources in the Geographical Domain—A Classification Schema and Corresponding Visualization Techniques.“ ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information . 8 (5): 242.

Noskov, A. & Zipf, A.. 2019. „Open-data-driven embeddable quality management services for map-based web applications.“ Big Earth Data. 2 (4): 395-422.

Raifer, M., Troilo, R., Kowatsch, F., Auer, M., Loos, L., Marx, S., Przybill, K., Fendrich, S., Mocnik, F.-B. & Zipf, A.. 2019. „OSHDB: A Framework for Spatio-Temporal Analysis of OpenStreetMap History Data.“ Open Geospatial Data, Software and Standards. 4 (1): 3.

Schwaab, J., Lautenbach, S., Braun-Dubler, N., Gmünder, M., Grêt-Regamey, A., & Strien, M. J. V.. 2019. „The difficulty of steering settlement development to reduce the loss of ecosystem services: an exploration of different development scenarios in Switzerland using spatially explicit land-use models.“ Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. 0(0), 1–19.

Strauch, M., Cord, A. F., Pätzold, C., Lautenbach, S., Kaim, A., Schweitzer, C., Seppelt, R., & Volk, M.. 2019. „Constraints in multi-objective optimization of land use allocation – Repair or penalize?.“ Environmental Modelling & Software. 118, 241–251.

Tost, H., Reichert, M., Braun, U., Reinhard, I., Peters, R., Lautenbach, S., Hoell, A., Schwarz, E., Ebner-Priemer, U., Zipf, A., & Meyer-Lindenberg, A.. 2019. „Neural correlates of individual differences in affective benefit of real-life urban green space exposure.“ Nature Neuroscience. 1–5.

Yan, Y., Schultz, M., & Zipf, A.. 2019. „An exploratory analysis of usability of Flickr tags for land use/land cover attribution.“ Geo-Spatial Information Science. 22(1), 12–22.

Yeboah, G., Troilo, R., Pitidis, V. & de Albuquerque, J. P.. 2019. „Analysis of OpenStreetMap Data Quality at Different Stages of a Participatory Mapping Process: Evidence from Informal Urban Settings.“ In: Minghini, M., Grinberger, A.Y., Juhász, L., Yeboah, G., Mooney, P. (Eds.), 7-8. State of the Map. 21.-23.09.2019. Heidelberg.

Zia, M., Cakir, Z. & Seker, D. Z.. 2019. „Turkey OpenStreetMap Dataset – Spatial Analysis of Development and Growth Proxies.“ Open Geosciences. 11 (1): 140–151.


Auer, M., Eckle, M., Fendrich, S., Griesbaum, L., Kowatsch, F., Marx, S., Raifer, M., Schott, M., Troilo, R., Zipf, A.. 2018. „Towards Using the Potential of OpenStreetMap History for Disaster Activation Monitoring.“ Proceedings of the 15th ISCRAM Conference. Rochester, NY, USA May 2018.

Chen, J., Y. Zhou, A. Zipf and H. Fan. 2018. „Deep Learning from Multiple Crowds: A
Case Study of Humanitarian Mapping
.“ IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (TGRS).1-10.

Herfort, B.; Höfle, B.; Klonner, C.. 2018. „3D micro-mapping: Towards assessing the quality of crowdsourcing to support 3D point cloud analysis.“ ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 137: 73 -83.

Herfort, B.; Zipf, A.. 2018. „Enhancing Crowdsourced Classification on Human Settlements Utilizing Logistic Regression Aggregation and Intrinsic Context Factors.“ VGI-ALIVE workshop at AGILE 2018. Lund, June 12-15, 2018.

Hahmann, S., Miksch, J., Resch, B., Lauer, J., & Zipf, A. (2018). „Routing through open spaces – A performance comparison of algorithms.“ Geo-Spatial Information Science. 21(3), 247–256.

Klonner, C.; Usón, T.J.; Marx, S.; Mocnik, F.-B.; Höfle, B. 2018″Capturing Flood Risk Perception via Sketch Maps.“ ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf.. 7: 359.

Mobasheri, A., Huang, H., Degrossi, L. C., & Zipf, A.. 2018. „Enrichment of OpenStreetMap Data Completeness with Sidewalk Geometries Using Data Mining Techniques.“ Sensors. 18(2), 509.

Novack, T., Wang, Z., & Zipf, A.. 2018. „A System for Generating Customized Pleasant Pedestrian Routes Based on OpenStreetMap Data.“ Sensors. 18(11), 3794.


Degrossi, L., Porto de Albuquerque, J., Restrepo-Estrada, C., Mobasheri, A., Zipf, A.. 2017. „Exploring the geographical context for quality assessment of VGI in flood management domain.“ 23 Americas Conference on Information Systems..

Griesbaum, L.; Eckle, M.; Herfort, B.; Raifer, M.; Zipf, A.. 2017. „Partizipative Methoden zur Erfassung und Verarbeitung von Geoinformationen.“ HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik. Special Issue „Online Participation“.

Griesbaum, L.; Marx, S.; Höfle, B.. 2017. „Direct local building inundation depth determination in 3-D point clouds generated from user-generated flood images.“ Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. 17 (7): 1191-1201.

Herfort, B.; Reinmuth, M.; Porto de Albuquerque, J.; Zipf, A.. 2017. „Towards evaluating crowdsourced image classification on mobile devices to generate geographic information about human settlements.“ Proceedings of the 20th AGILE Conference 2017. Wageningen, May 9-12, 2017.

John, S., Hahmann, S., Rousell, A., Löwner, M.-O., & Zipf, A.. 2017. “Deriving incline values for street networks from voluntarily collected GPS traces.“ Cartography and Geographic Information Science. 44(2), 152–169.

Klonner, C. ; Eckle, M.; Usón, T. ; Höfle, B.. 2017. „Quality Improvement of Remotely Volunteered Geographic Information via Country-Specific Mapping Instructions.“ Proceedings of ISCRAM 2017 – 14th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response And Management. 939-947.

Rousell, A., & Zipf, A.. 2017. „Towards a Landmark-Based Pedestrian Navigation Service Using OSM Data.“ .ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 6(3), 64.

Yan, Y., Eckle, M., Kuo, C.-L., Herfort, B., Fan, H., Zipf, A.. 2017. „Monitoring and Assessing Post-Disaster Tourism Recovery Using Geotagged Social Media Data.“ ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 6 (5), 144.


Anhorn, J., Herfort, B., Porto de Albuquerque, J.. 2016. „Crowdsourced Validation and Updating of Dynamic Features in OpenStreetMap: An analysis of Shelter Mapping after the 2015 Nepal Earthquake.“ ISCRAM 2016 – The 13th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management. Rio de Janeiro.

Degrossi, L., Porto de Albuquerque, J., Fan, H., Zipf, A.. 2016. „A conceptual model for quality assessment of VGI for the purpose of flood management.“ 19th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science.

Eckle, M., Porto de Albuquerque, J., Herfort, B., Zipf, A., Leiner, R., Wolff, R., Jacobs, C.. 2016. „Leveraging OpenStreetMap to support flood risk management in municipalities: A prototype decision support systemn.“ ISCRAM 2016 Conference. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 2016.

Klonner, C., Marx, S., Usón, T., Porto de Albuquerque, J., Höfle, B.. 2016. „Volunteered Geographic Information in Natural Hazard Analysis: A Systematic Literature Review of Current Approaches with a Focus on Preparedness and Mitigation.“ ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf.. 5 (7): 103.

Porto de Albuquerque, J.; Herfort, B.; Eckle, M.. 2016. „The Tasks of the Crowd: A Typology of Tasks in Geographic Information Crowdsourcing and a Case Study in Humanitarian Mapping.“ Remote Sensing. 8 (10): 859.

Porto de Albuquerque, J., Eckle, M., Herfort, B., Zipf, A., 2016. „Crowdsourcing geographic information for disaster management and improving urban resilience: an overview of recent developments and lessons learned.“ In Capineri C., Haklay M., Huang H., Antoniou V., Kettunen J., Ostermann F., et al. (Eds.): European Handbook of Crowdsourced Geographic Information. 309-322.

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