
Wegen aktueller Erweiterungen suchen wir neue Leute, die Teil von HeiGIT werden wollen. Wenn du daran Interesse hast, unserem innovativen und dynamischen Team beizutreten, sende uns einen aktuellen Lebenslauf, Zertifikate und Empfehlungsschreiben gemeinsam mit deiner Bewerbung an

Postdoctoral Fellowship (6 – 12 months)

Dear Postdoctoral Scholars and Researchers,

You are a highly motivated researcher who loves spatial data science and open geodata? You want to use your expertise for the benefit of society and the environment – in particular stimulating Climate Action or enhancing Humanitarian Aid related to Climate Resilience? You want to improve the availability and quality of open geographic information for Climate Mitigation and Adaptation and develop high resolution spatial indicators or GIScience methods for open, non-profit applications in those areas? Then we actually might have a suitable and interesting opportunity for you!
