State of the Map Africa 2023

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This year’s State of the Map Africa will kick off today. Yaounde, the capital of Cameroon, is hosting a three-day conference with an emphasis on OpenStreetMap in Africa as a growing network and as a part of global OSM structures.

To enable exchange about OpenStreetMap (OSM), the conference brings together a varied collection of OSM contributors, including mappers, users, developers, and general GIS experts. The conference provides a great forum for knowledge exchange, relationship building, and the development of new partnerships.

HeiGIT will also be contributing to the conference this year, hosting a workshop and presenting a range of projects.

Towards harnessing OpenStreetMap for Climate Action

by Prof. Dr. Alexander Zipf

This talk discusses the potential of OpenStreetMap (OSM) as a platform for generating high-resolution spatial indicators for climate action readiness and sustainable urban development. The talk highlights the importance of understanding a city’s preparedness to address climate change impacts and the 15-Minute City concept. The concept aims to create self-sufficient neighborhoods with essential services within a 15-minute walk or bike ride.

Data meets people: Understanding OSM community activity with the ohsome frame work

by Benjamin Herfort

The workshop aims to provide insights on measuring and understanding the evolution of global and local OSM communities, and to integrate global and local perspectives on representation in OSM through interdisciplinary approaches. The workshop will focus on learning about differences and similarities in OSM across continents and regions and how they can be measured from the „data perspective.“

History based quality measures of OpenStreetMap now in the ohsome dashboard

by Marcel Reinmuth.

In this lightning talk we present quality metrics, the newest feature of the Ohsome Dashboard. These metrics provide users with information about the historical development as well as the completeness of OSM items in a given area.

Traffic-Aware Isochrone methods: Accessibility Analysis incorporating Traffic Speed Data for Nairobi, Kenya

by Marcel Reinmuth

This talk presents an improved approach to isochrone accessibility analysis with openrouteservice using Uber traffic speed data in Nairobi, Kenya. This approach addresses limitations of existing methods, providing more accurate and realistic insights into accessibility for services. The talk also discusses the transferability of results to other regions, as well as opportunities for crowdsourcing such data.

You can find the programme in its entirety here.