Impact Day: Waterproofing Data – Engaging Stakeholders in Sustainable Flood Risk Governance for Urban Resilience

Join us at Impact Day on May 15th in the foyer of the Neue Universität, organized by the Heidelberg University! The event will showcase the university’s knowledge and technology transfer, spotlighting projects across four focal areas: socially relevant, industrial, sustainable and tangible.

The „Socially Relevant“ island addresses pressing social issues, while the „Industrial“ island highlights collaborations driving technological advancement. The „Sustainable“ island presents projects dedicated to environmental preservation, including ours: „Waterproofing Data – Engaging Stakeholders in Sustainable Flood Risk Governance for Urban Resilience.“ This initiative aims to revolutionize flood-related data management for sustainable, flood-resilient communities.

Our colleagues will guide you through the methodologies and aims of the Waterproofing Data Project (WPD). Additionally, they will showcase the Sketch Map Tool project, which originated from this initiative, demonstrating its practical applications and contributions to participatory mapping.

Examples of satellite and OSM base maps.

Funded by the Belmont Forum and NORFACE joint program „Transformations to Sustainability (T2S)“ and the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, the WPD project has made a significant impact. It has heightened flood awareness in local communities, enhanced OpenStreetMap (OSM) through Mapathons, and fostered collaboration with communities and schools.

Furthermore, the project has developed innovative apps and dashboards to improve data comparability and citizen engagement. Recognized with the ESRC Celebrating Impact Prize in 2023, the success of the WPD project led to the development of the Sketch Map Tool in Heidelberg.

This tool simplifies participatory mapping and has attracted interest from humanitarian organizations like the German Red Cross. Collaboration with such organizations has led to further developments and the recent launch of the new version of the Sketch Map Tool.

We are looking forward to exchange our experience with students and scientists and to learn from each other about effective transfer strategies and the transformative power of collaboration at Impact Day. Don’t miss this opportunity to explore groundbreaking projects and shape the future research!

More information: GIS_Waterproofing; Waterproofing Data

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