GIScience/HeiGIT at Global Land Project open science meeting

GIScience/HeiGIT member Sven Lautenbach is hosting together with Jonas Schwaab from the ETH Zürich a session on Multi-objective optimization approaches to support visioning and decision-making in land-use system science at the 4th Open Science Meeting of the Global Land Programme April 24-26, 2019 | Bern, Switzerland.

The session aims at approaches that study the potential of multi-objective optimization approaches to designing visionary futures and developing advice for decision-makers on how to reach these futures. Although the use of multi-objective optimization approaches has increased during recent years, there are still some major challenges ahead before they may become an established tool to support visioning and decision-making. Challenges that need to be addressed are (1) designing optimization algorithms that can efficiently solve complex land-use system problems and depict optimal solutions, (2) show how the analysis of optimal solutions can be used to derive useful recommendations or even rules for decision-makers and (3) how multi-objective optimization can be used in real-world decision-making requiring close cooperation and interaction with stakeholders and decision-makers.

A series of interesting contributions have been placed in the session that deal with these issues – so stay tuned for results from that session and from GLP in general.