Tag: OpenHealthcareAccessMap

Wusstest du, dass der 13. Oktober „International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction (IDDRR)“ – der Internationale Tag für die Reduzierung des Katastrophenrisikos ist? Seit 1989 nutz das Büro der Vereinten…

  Im vergangenen Jahr haben wir die Open Healthcare Access Map gestartet. Zunächst waren nur einige Länder und später Kontinente verfügbar. Wir freuen uns heute anzukündigen, dass wir die restlichen,…

In the context of the United Nations World Data Forum 2021 organised by theUnited Nations Statistics Division and UN member states a series of blogposts has been published by UNSTATS….

After Sub-Saharan Africa and South and Southeast Asia we have now published all countries of Central and South America on the Open Healthcare Access Map. The web application is available…

It’s been a little longer than a month since we published the Open Healthcare Access Map. Last week we rolled out all countries of Sub-Saharan Africa. Today all countries of…

Last month we started the Open Healthcare Access Map. Initially, only a few countries were featured. Gradually, more countries and regions are now being added. Today we release all countries…