Brownbag Presentation by Jennings Anderson (University of Colorado Boulder) on OpenStreetMap data analysis

We cordially invite you to a Brownbag presentation by our Guest Researcher Dr. Jennings Anderson!

When? Tuesday, 8/10/2019, 1-2.30 pm

Where? Seminar room 15, INF 348

Jennings is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Colorado Boulder exploring new approaches to analytical infrastructures for big, peer-produced geospatial datasets, specifically OpenStreetMap. His dissertation work involved designing contributor-centric research methods that can tell the complete story of not only how the map evolved, but who is involved, and how these contributors interact with both the map and each other. These mapping behaviors are especially important to understand the creation and maintenance of the map in areas with high concentrations of contributors and editing activity, such as areas impacted by disasters.

Most recently, his work identified and quantified the impact that paid editing teams are having on the map. Since 2014, the map has seen over 20M edits from corporate data teams, primarily to the road network. Today, over 12% of the global road network by length was most recently edited by a corporate data team. Find further information about Jennings here.

In this talk, Jennings will discuss his approaches to OpenStreetMap data analysis, his recent investigations into corporate editing, and his current work in which he hopes to implement the OSHDB to dive deeper into the evolution of both the map and the community that maintains it. After the talk, there is time for Q&A and further discussion for sure.

We are looking forward to seeing you there!