A Comprehensive Framework for Intrinsic OpenStreetMap Quality Analysis among Most Cited Paper in Transactions in GIS

We are happy to share that our paper “A Comprehensive Framework for Intrinsic OpenStreetMap Quality Analysis” (Barron, Neis, Zipf 2013) belongs to the top 5 most cited papers of the international journal “Transaction in GIS” (TGIS). Only recently we became aware of this. Thank you for considering this work.
Certainly this paper influenced also our work afterwards leading to further publications related to VGI and especially OSM quality assessment methods, reviews and case studies.
But very importantly was also the motivation for developing the OpenStreetMap history analytics platform ohsome.org based on our OpenStreetMap history database (OSHDB). This platform aims at scalable, efficient and reproducible intrinsic OSM quality analytics for the whole globe. It allows to investigate the mapping history of OSM. Here we shortly introduce the general architecture. You can access the current version already through the OSHDB, dashboards, esp. the OSM History EXplorer ohsomeHEX and the open Ohsome API (see here the interactive API documentation). Maybe you want to include your own analytics functionality through contributing to the active open source project? Learn more about using the API through the Blog series: How to become ohsome or in general http://giscienceblog.uni-heidelberg.de/tag/ohsome/

Barron, C., Neis, P. & Zipf, A. (2013): A Comprehensive Framework for Intrinsic OpenStreetMap Quality Analysis. , Transactions in GIS, 18(6), 877-895. DOI: 10.1111/tgis.12073.

List of Best Paper in TGIS: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/14679671#pane-01cbe741-499a-4611-874e-1061f1f4679e11?tabActivePane=

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