German Mass Vaccination Sites in Open Healthcare Access Map

Last week we introduced Open Healthcare Access Map. Our new web application for interactively sharing results of accessibility estimates based on OpenStreetMap healthcare facilities and openrouteservice isochrones.

A new update now shows motorized accessibility estimates of mass vaccination sites in Germany. Accessible via this directlink:

Accessibility estimates towards COVID-19 mass vaccination sites in Germany

Accessibility estimates towards COVID-19 mass vaccination sites in Germany

These results are based on an analysis by Sven Lautenbach published in a blog early January this year. As explained in the blog post, according to official regulations in Germany, it is not possible to get vaccinated in a state where one does not reside. Therefore, only accessibility within federal states was taken into account. The difference becomes clear in the border areas of the states and in comparison with layers of accessibility towards primary and secondary/tertiary care. The data basis of the vaccination centers is based on a more recent export from 03/25/2021. This is to take into account changes such as the relocation of centers (Sonthofen case).

Population share in range of 10 minutes towards vaccination site

Population share in range of 10 minutes towards vaccination site

The URL now also reflects the selected scale level and facility type in addition to the country. This facilitates the direct sharing of the respective contents of interest.

Once again we highly appreciate your feedback on the app! Please feel free to reach out via mail.

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