LandSense Horizon 2020 A Citizen Observatory and Innovation Marketplace for Land Use and Land Cover Monitoring, project successful finished

The Horizon 2020 LandSense project was concluded successfully. Please find a selection of the produced publications and deliverables here. The project has enabled our group to pursue quality aspects of voluntarily collected geo information data and to ramp up efforts related to OSMlanduse.
Together with the University of Nottingham (Giles Foody) and Institut national de l’information géographique et forestière France (Ana-Maria Olteanu-Raimond) the GIScience Heidelberg group was leading the quality assurance and quality control of the largest Horizon 2020 Citizen Science Project, providing accuracy, performance and benchmark services for six citizen science pilot projects.

One of the key aspects for the quality estimation was the collection of reference data for OSMlanduse where you can find the latest edition of our mapathon campaigns here. For OSMlanduse and its integration with our mapathon data as well as additional auxiliary remote sensing data we’re using HeiGIT’s OSM big data processing platform ohsome an in-house labor of love, handcrafted in Java and Python, using only hand picked, organic, free license libraries ( We are currently concluding results and making produced models and validation data collected publicly available.

We do cordially thank for the excellent collaboration among our partners and are thankful for the extended collaboration within follow up projects!

Our Project Publications

land use of Europe, Heidelberg and a countryside in Utrecht

Related & earlier work at GIScience/HeiGIT (selection)

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