Openrouteservice for Disaster Management: Supporting Humanitarian Logistics with Hourly Updates

The Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) provides immediate support for disaster or humanitarian responses by coordinating and activating a global network of mappers that contribute up-to-date geodata to the OSM database. For example, after the Nepal earthquake 2015 volunteers added up to 800 km to the OSM street network per hour! This information could successfully support post-disaster humanitarian logistics on the ground.

To consider always the latest OSM data available, the Openrouteservice for Disaster Management by HeiGIT now provides updates more frequently. The entire African continent, South America and South Asia are available as stable instances with hourly update intervals. Papua New Guinea, which was recently hit by a severe earthquake, is furthermore currently integrated with an even higher update interval of 15 minutes to support the direct disaster response. In case of major disasters which affect regions not covered by our service, new areas can be added by our team on request.

The Real-time OSM we introduced recently, is used to access up-to-date OSM extracts on which basis the routing graphs are recalculated. Have a look at the github repo to get more insights on real-time OSM and test our service at

HeiGIT is supported by the Klaus Tschira Foundation, Heidelberg.



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