Recap of HeiGIT @ FOSS4G 2019

First of all, thanks to everybody who attended our ohsome lab at last weeks FOSS4G in Bucharest. Even though there were eleven (!) tracks running in parallel, and our lab was not in the same location as the program track, we had some interested participants. Their affiliation ranged from public institutions to phd and bachelor/master students. For those of you that want to get a look at the presented information and try out these ohsome examples yourself, we’ve combined all material and links in snippets within our GitLab. Here is a link to the first example: The second example plus the full presentation is linked within that first example.

The conference itself was well organized and had a lot of participants (around 1100). In addititon to the conference we had a great time at the social events. We’ve met old colleagues and got to know new people, which is a key aspect of why attending conferences is an important part of the business-, but also of the social and personal life. It would be great to meet some familiar faces again in about 2.5 weeks in Heidelberg at this years global HOT Summit and State of the Map conferences.