Diesen Juni fand die GIS-Woche 2022 von Ärzte ohne Grenzen (MSF) wieder im schönen Prag statt. Nahezu das gesamte MSF-Team, das sich mit Geodaten und Geodatenanalyse befasst, nahm an der…
Kooperation ist in der Humanitären Hilfe oft der Schlüssel, um Menschen in Not schnell und effizient helfen zu können. Das gilt insbesondere beim Austausch von Informationen und Kartenmaterial. Besonders herausfordernd…
This Thursday, team members from HeiGIT will give a presentation at MSF’s Annual GIS Week. This is an internal event at MSF ( Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) International, Doctors without…
This week, at the prestigious GSMA MWC series (formally known as Mobile World Congress) MapSwipe was awarded the top prize in the Global Mobile Awards’ category for the Best Mobile…
Today we celebrate the International Day for #DisasterRiskReduction. HeiGIT offers a growing set of tools and services that support humanitarian aid during and before disasters. Examples include work in the…
On October 17/18th the Humanitarian Congress is organized in Berlin by Médecins Sans Frontières/Ärzte ohne Grenzen (MSF), Médecins du Monde/Doctors of the World (MdM), German Red Cross (GRC) and Berlin…
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