Tag: VGI

Together with collaborators from Urban Analytics Lab Singapore and CICI Lab, we are organising a special issue in Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, on the topic…

Das IDEAL-VGI Forschungsprojekt nähert sich seinem Ende. Und obwohl dies nicht das Ende unserer Forschung zu sozialen Datenquellen, Datenqualitätsanalysen und Landnutzungsinformationen sein wird, freuen wir uns, ein wichtiges Ergebnis ankündigen…

Im Mai 2023 besuchte Prof. Dr. Alexander Zipf gemeinsam mit Anne Schauß die UC Chile (Pontificia Universidad de Catolica de Chile) und das Heidelberg Center for Latin America (HCLA) in…

In den letzten zwei Jahren haben wir das immer schnellere Wachstum von Mikromobilitätsdiensten (z. B. E-Bikes und E-Scooter) miterlebt, das sowohl Herausforderungen als auch neue Möglichkeiten für die traditionellen städtischen…

Unterführungen, Treppen und hohe Bordsteinkanten sind für Menschen mit Gehbeeinträchtigungen eine große Herausforderung. Ein maßgeschneiderter Routenplaner kann aber ihre Mobilität erhöhen, indem er Wege mit möglichst wenigen Hindernissen berechnet. Dieses…

Large-scale mapping activities can benefit from the vastly increasing availability of earth observation (EO) data, especially when combined with volunteered geographical information (VGI) using machine learning (ML). High-resolution maps of…

Urban green spaces (UGSs) can provide important ecosystem services for citizens and their well-being. To make use of these services according to UGS user demands, urban residents, tourists, and city…

The AGILE 2021 conference is taking place this week. It is the the 24rd AGILE conference on GIScience. AGILE is the Association of Geographic Information Laboratories in Europe and the…

Die Folgen des Klimawandels sind besonders stark in den höheren Breiten unseres Planeten zu spüren. Die Arktis erwärmt sich derzeit überdurchschnittlich schnell. Dies führt zum Auftauen von Permafrost (dauerhaft gefrorenen…

Online knowledge projects such as OpenStreetMap (OSM) and Wikipedia have gained high importance, trust and even economic value. These projects and their content are maintained and enhanced by online communities…

Flooded parking area in Eberbach in January 2019 (Picture: C.Klonner) Worldwide, more and more people are affected by flooding. Local knowledge provides a valuable source of information for disaster risk…

A recently published paper provides a bibliometric review between integration of authoritative and volunteered geographic information (VGI) for the specific purpose of cartographic updating of urban mappings. The adopted methodology…

We are pleased to share that because of the response to our work, ISPRS IJGI selected our paper on Detecting Graffiti with Street View Images and Deep Learning to be…

More than 10 years have passed since the coining of the term volunteered geographic information (VGI) in 2007. A recently published article presents the results of a review of the…

Already in October 2019 Prof. Zipf was invited to give a keynote on “User Generated Geoinformation for Smart Cities” at the “Smart Cities, Smart Data, Smart Governance” ISPRS Conference at…

The Center for Spatial Studies, Department of Geography at the University of California, Santa Barbara is hosting the Spatial Data Science Symposium 2019 this coming week with the title “Setting…

Last June, colleagues from the GIScience group – Dr. Tessio Novack, Dr. Michael Schultz and Prof. Dr. Alexander Zipf – together with Dr. Peter Mooney (Maynooth University, Ireland) and Dr….

We cordially invite you to a Brownbag presentation by our Guest Researcher Dr. Jennings Anderson! When? Tuesday, 8/10/2019, 1-2.30 pm Where? Seminar room 15, INF 348 Jennings is a postdoctoral…

IT IS HOT! So you are looking for a more shady pedestrian route through the urban jungle? You might then prefer some routes that go through public green spaces with…

Last week Dr. Clemens Jacobs successfully defended his PhD about methods for assessing the data quality of citizen science observations of organisms. Congratulations, well done!!! We wish all the very…