Virtual disastermappers heidelberg OSM Mapathon “Mapping Human Rights” June 30th

In scope of the disastermappers heidelberg mapathon series “Open Data & the Sustainable Development Goals”, the next virtual OpenStreetMap mapping event “Mapping Human Rights” will take place on Tuesday, June 30th from 6 pm, in cooperation with Amnesty International Heidelberg. Amnesty International Heidelberg will give us insights into Human Rights and the work of Amnesty International. After their presentation, you will be given an overview on the Mapping projects for the evening as well as an easy to follow introduction to OpenStreetMap.

We will then work on two different areas in the Philippines. The first project is suitable for beginners and focuses on areas that are affected by climate change, the second project is around “Early Flood Action” in the Philippines and is aimed at advanced mappers.

Join us and become part of the global mapping community via Please prepare a headset to communicate, as well as a mouse, which will make mapping more comfortable.

Everyone is welcome and our mapping tutorial ensures an appropriate introduction to all contents. No previous knowledge is required.