UndercoverEisAgenten on the road

The UndercoverEisAgenten team is still on the road introducing their most recent results to the public and scientific community.

On July 2, visitors to the Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung (AWI) at the “Long Night of Sciences” Berlin + Potsdam tested an UndercoverEisAgenten permafrost crowdmapping application.

The UndercoverEisAgenten team also participated in the GI Salzburg 2022 conference from July 4th through 7th. They discussed their newest paper on the potential of Citizen Science for mapping landscape change in Arctic permafrost regions, which describes the results of a data analysis with visitor contributions from the MS Wissenschaft 2019 traveling exhibition.

Exhibition-goers experienced mapping permafrost in satellite imagery using an app as a part of an interactive exhibit drawing from the work of HeiGIT and AWI. The analysis results show that this task is more challenging for citizen scientists than others, e.g. building detection, as implemented in MapSwipe, an app developed with support of HeiGIT. The paper examines several approaches to facilitate the task for citizen scientists and informs the ongoing development of crowdmapping tools for the UndercoverEisAgenten project. It has been published in the German language AGIT Journal, an interdisciplinary open access journal for Applied Geoinformatics.

For those who missed the exhibition or look forward to their next opportunity to explore this burgeoning project, the UndercoverEisAgenten team will be attending the Explore Science event in Bremen coming September. The event is organized by the Klaus Tschira foundation and will take place September 8–10 in the Bürgerpark.