HeiGIT Joins STADTRADELN: Cycling Towards a Sustainable Future

The HeiGIT team is delighted to be part of the STADTRADELN initiative, a competition that has been promoting environmentally friendly mobility since 2008. For 21 days, participants try to cycle as many everyday journeys as possible and thus support a climate-friendly mode of transportation. Every year, the number of participants throughout Germany who join forces to reduce CO2 emissions and promote sustainable mobility grows.

Our current statistics: https://www.stadtradeln.de/fileadmin/radelkalender/embed/radelmeter-team.php?sr_team_id=36906&L=0

HeiGIT’s commitment to reducing CO2 emissions

At HeiGIT, participation in STADTRADELN is just one part of our wider strategy to reduce CO2 emissions and promote sustainability. Here are some of our key initiatives:

  1. Climate Action Team: our Climate Action Team provides actionable data and tools to help communities and decision makers achieve carbon neutrality. We offer high-resolution spatial climate change indicators tailored to the specific needs of different regions.

  2. Supporting local efforts: We use voluntarily collected geographic information (VGI) to uncover local perspectives and fill data gaps. This helps stakeholders take informed action, from promoting bike-friendliness to creating green urban spaces.

  3. Promoting environmentally friendly commutes: In addition to CITY CYCLING, we encourage our employees to use environmentally friendly commuting options throughout the year. This includes providing a job bike with appropriate infrastructure, such as secure parking facilities or charging stations for e-bikes, as well as subsidies for public transport.

  4. Promoting remote working: By promoting remote working, we reduce the need for commuting and therefore reduce the CO2 emissions associated with travel. This initiative not only supports the environment, but also improves the work-life balance of our team.

By participating in STADTRADELN and implementing these initiatives, HeiGIT is proud to be part of the global effort to combat the climate crisis. We are committed to a sustainable future for our community and the world.