HeiGIT at AGIT conference 2019 in Salzburg- The spatial view

This week, the annual AGIT conference is again organised in Salzburg. The conference has since more than 30 years successfully gathered representatives of academia, applied research and economy to present latest projects, to share ideas and to develop new approaches. GIScience Heidelberg was and is contributing in this context regularly for years.

As HeiGIT is also building a bridge between academia, research and practice, Melanie Eckle of the HeiGIT team will represent the group at the AGIT conference as well. Participants furthermore have the chance to learn more about the work of the HeiGIT team and the disastermappers heidelberg in two collaborative workshops on Friday.

While the first workshops will allow for learning more about humanitarian mapping and will give participants the chance to directly participate in a mapathon, the second workshop aims at gathering actors that are involved- or want to get involved- in humanitarian mapping related projects. While the first workshop allows for contributing to humanitarian mapping projects, the second workshop will enable learning about the different projects, and facilitate building a closer network and closer exchange and collaboration.

We are very looking forward to your participation and to meeting you in Salzburg!