HeiGIT/GIScience @ State of the Map 2021

Logo: Julie Mattelaer
Like in 2020, this year’s State of the Map (SotM) is taking place online this week from tomorrow 2021-07-09 to 2021-07-11, starting at 12:00 (CEST) each day.


Date & Time

July 9, 2021 12:00 pm

This year, HeiGIT is a bronze sponsor. In addition, there are a total of 7 contributions from HeiGIT/GIScience:

Maxwell Owusu’s talk will present a framework to measure local data contribution in OSM in three case studies. The results feed into a framework for measuring local data in OSM as well as the distinct mapping stories of local OSM communities. This talk will start at 13:30 (CEST) on 2021-07-11.

The four lightning talks offer insights into a new R package to interact with the ohsome API and to aggregate and extract data from the history of OSM, a show around of the open healthcare access map, an overview over the main functionalities of the QGIS pluginORS Toolsfor interacting with openrouteservice, and an ohsome2label based workflow for automatic building detection from imagery using OSM as training. A detailed schedule can be found here or here.

The posters cover the topics of the evolution of healthcare infrastructure in OSM and a new concept to overcome user retention challenges for mapathons.

Tickets are sold out, but there is a free livestream to follow track 1!