Spotlight on HeiGIT’s FOSSGIS 2024 Presentations

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We’re thrilled to share some exciting news – our colleagues Julian Psotta and Benjamin Herfort are set to deliver talks at FOSSGIS 2024 in Hamburg, Germany!

Julian Psotta will be presenting the openrouteservice project together with the Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG). Their joint talk “From openrouteservice to RoutingPlus – Insights into a Global Routing Cluster” will shed light on the long-standing collaboration between the Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT) and the BKG in the realm of routing. Together, we’ve been at the forefront of technical innovations, building a robust infrastructure along the way. However, as the landscape of modern software evolves, so do the challenges. In this presentation they will walk you through our journey, highlighting the steps we’re taking to meet the demands of contemporary software operations.

Benjamin Herfort will be sharing insights on “ohsomeNow: Analyze OSM data in real time.” He’ll provide a brief overview of our real-time streaming application ohsomeNow which is especially helpful for humanitarian organizations and mapathon organizers. Focused on the present moment, this application allows users to keep a close eye on mapping activity in OpenStreetMap, with ohsomeNow Stats data being updated every 5-10 minutes. Benjamin will guide you through the real-time analysis of OSM changes, showcasing how we efficiently handle and display the data stream generated by OSM users every minute. If time allows, he’ll also offer a brief preview in the Lightning Talk, exploring potential applications such as vandalism detection, mapathon statistics and routing applications that could benefit from this real-time analysis.

We hope you’ll join us for these insightful sessions!