Tag: OpenStreetMap

Hello dear friends of the disastermappers heidelberg! At the moment, the Heidelberg International Weeks against Racism 2021 are running – and the disastermappers are also taking part! Why? The unequal…

Since 2010 organized humanitarian mapping has evolved as a constant and growing element of the global OpenStreetMap (OSM) community. With more than 8,000 projects in 150 countries humanitarian mapping has…

Aktuelle Verkehrsinformationen sind die Voraussetzung für Navigations-Lösungen, um die beste Route und Fahrzeit zu bestimmen. Es gibt jedoch keine frei verfügbaren Verkehrsinformationen auf weltweiter- und Bundesebene. „SocialMedia2Traffic nutzt frei verfügbare…

Extreme natural events create catastrophic situations for cities and their populations. Due to climate change and anthropogenic activities, the number and intensity of these events has steadily increased at the…

Since 2010, organized humanitarian mapping has evolved as a constant and growing element of the global OpenStreetMap (OSM) community. With more than 7,000 projects in 150 countries, humanitarian mapping has…

Since 2010 organized humanitarian mapping has evolved as a constant and growing element of the global OpenStreetMap (OSM) community. With more than 7,000 projects in 150 countries humanitarian mapping has…

In the past 10 years, the collaborative maps of OpenStreetMap (OSM) have been used to support humanitarian efforts around the world as well as to fill important data gaps for…

Since 2010 organized humanitarian mapping has evolved as a constant and growing element of the global OpenStreetMap (OSM) community. With more than 7,000 projects in 150 countries humanitarian mapping has…

Das Heidelberger Life‐Science Lab ist eine Einrichtung des Deutschen Krebsforschungszentrums (DKFZ, Heidelberg) und hat die Förderung mathematisch und naturwissenschaftlich-technisch besonders interessierter und begabter Mittel- und Oberstufenschüler und Studenten zur Aufgabe….

Welcome to part 2 of the #ohsome street network analysis. If you haven’t read the first part yet, you can do so following this link. As promised, this week we…

Since 2010 organized humanitarian mapping has evolved as a constant and growing element of the global OpenStreetMap (OSM) community. With more than 7,000 projects in 150 countries humanitarian mapping has…

OpenStreetMap (OSM) offers many possibilities and holds potential in the area of freely available infrastructure data for the health sector. Nevertheless, it is important to underline that the quality of…

Where is is the closed Covid-19 vaccination center and what is the best way to get there? A new route planning app helps you answer this questions by suggesting ways…

Based on newly available locations for missing COVID-19 vaccination centers the accessibility analysis has been updated.

Current lockdown regulations in Germany state that – in many but not all federal states – travel in COVID-19 hotspot regions is only allowed up to 15km distance. This has…

Vaccination of a sufficiently large share of the population is considered the most important action to fight the spread of SARS-CoV -2 and resulting COVID-19 infections. Germany has started together…

Next week the HOT Summit will take place. The conference takes already place for the sixth time and it is the fifth consecutive time that we from HeiGIT/GIScience Heidelberg do…

What is the idea behind the Notebook? In the case of an emergency (e.g. floods, earthquakes, political crisis) it is important to know where the health facilities are located. Furthermore,…

“Local Knowledge” is constituting the exceptional value of Volunteered Geographical Information and thus also considered as an important indicator of data quality. We are interested in how much local information…

These days so much is different- also conferences. Carolin Klonner and Marcel Reinmuth attended the GeOnG 2020 virtually. Thanks to the organizers! It worked well and there was great exchange…