Mamapa Presentation and Discussion “Humanitarian Cartography Using OpenStreetMap”at the International Weeks Against Racism 2022

What contribution can be made to humanitarian projects by mapping in OpenStreetMap? And what opportunities are there to network with other like-minded people in the Heidelberg and Mannheim region, in other parts of Germany and also on a global scale … Read More

Join our final “SocialMedia2Traffic” project presentation on March 22

Navigation services need time dependent information on traffic speed to generate suitable routes and yield accurate travel time estimations. However, this information is not available free of cost globally. Within the recently completed project SocialMedia2Traffic, we have developed a system … Read More

A basic guide to OSM data filtering

Working with OpenStreetMap data is an exciting topic that often reveals astonishing insights. The free and open nature of the project allows a plethora of analyses topics. We at HeiGIT often concentrate on global quantitative analyses and visualisations powered by … Read More

OpenRouteService for disaster management instance for the Philippines after Typhoon Rai

Just a couple of days ago, on December 16th, large area of the Philippines were hit by Typhoon Rai (local name Odette). The typhoon not only caused vast destruction but also hit many of the communities that already suffered most … Read More

Job Offer: “Lead: Geo Machine Learning for Good”, Senior Spatial Data Science Expert (m, f, d), 100%, permanent, HeiGIT gGmbH

Do you want to use your machine learning expertise for the benefit of society and the environment? Do you want to improve the availability and quality of geospatial data and further develop geoinformatics methods used for open, non-profit applications in … Read More

United Nations World Data Forum Blog on Healthcare Accessibility Map

In the context of the United Nations World Data Forum 2021 organised by the United Nations Statistics Division and UN member states a series of blogposts has been published by UNSTATS. Among them is one by Alexander Zipf about improving … Read More

HGG Vortrag: Digitale Geographie im Katastrophenmanagement

Einladung Vortrag Online: Dienstag, 14. Dezember 2021, 19:15 Uhr Melanie Eckle-Elze, Benjamin Herfort, Dr. Carolin Klonner Digitale Geographie im Katastrophenmanagement Klimawandel, Bevölkerungswachstum, Verstädterung und weitere zunehmende Landnutzungsveränderungen führen dazu, dass immer mehr Menschen in Risikogebieten leben. Um die vorhandenen Risiken … Read More

How to become ohsome part 9 – More ways to access the ohsome API

At long last, welcome back to a new blog post of the “How to become ohsome“-series. As it’s been quite a while since you got an introduction to how to access the ohsome API, we would like to pick up … Read More

HeiGIT participation at HOT Summit 2021

Also this year HeiGIT is participating at the HOT summit with the topic of “The Evolution of Local Humanitarian Open Mapping Ecosystems: Understanding Community, Collaboration, and Contribution”. Again the conference will be virtual and is organized in three blocks across … Read More

Diskussionsrunde zum Thema «Humanitäre Kartographie» bei den Mannheimer einander.Aktionstagen 2021

Im Rahmen der Aktionstage 2021 des Mannheimer Bündnis, bietet Mannheimer Mapathons e.V. eine offene Diskussionsrunde zum Thema «Humanitäre Kartographie» an. Auf dem Podium: Melanie Eckle-Elze, Benjamin Herfort (Disastermappers-HD) und Sandra Sudhoff (CartONG-France). Anschließend wird es für alle Teilnehmer*innen eine Gelegenheit … Read More

Today paper on green routing at GIScience conference 2021

The “11th International Conference on GIScience” 2021 started! Our full paper related to MeinGrün project and openrouteservice will be presented this Tuesday 13:30 CET in Session 3 “Mobility”: 13:30-13:45: Christina Ludwig, Sven Lautenbach, Eva-Marie Schömann and Alexander Zipf. Comparison of … Read More

Analysing the Impact of Large Data Imports in OpenStreetMap

OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a global mapping project which generates free geographical information through a community of volunteers. OSM is used in a variety of applications and for research purposes. However, it is also possible to import external data sets to … Read More

OSM Changeset Analysis with Humstats and the ohsome Framework

In this blog post we want to take a closer look at a fruitful mapping collaboration between humanitarian organizations and corporations. Since 2015 mapping remote areas in OSM is one part in the cooperation between the leading savings, retirement and … Read More

HeiGIT und das Deutsche Rote Kreuz beim Digitaltag 2021

Am 18.06.2021 findet der Bundesweite Digitaltag 2021 der Initiative „Digital für alle“ statt. Der Digitaltag ist eine Plattform, auf der digitale Projekte und Aktionen aus der Zivilgesellschaft vorgestellt werden und das Thema Digitalisierung von verschiedenen Seiten beleuchtet wird. Mit dem … Read More

GIScience and HeiGIT contributions to AGILE 2021 conference

The AGILE 2021 conference is taking place this week. It is the the 24rd AGILE conference on GIScience. AGILE is the Association of Geographic Information Laboratories in Europe and the 2021 conference is for the first time held as a … Read More

Automatic building detection with ohsome2label and Tensorflow

Accurate and complete geographic data of human settlement is crucial for humanitarian aid and disaster response. OpenStreetMap (OSM) can serve as a valuable source, especially for global south countries where buildings are largely unmapped. In a previous blog, we introduced … Read More

All countries of Central and South America now on Open Healthcare Access Map

After Sub-Saharan Africa and South and Southeast Asia we have now published all countries of Central and South America on the Open Healthcare Access Map. The web application is available here: Please note that this is still a prototype … Read More

ohsomeHeX provides access to OSM feature history

Did you ever wonder how your city was mapped over time, how geometries were changed and refined, how mistakes were added and corrected again? Then read on: ohsomeHex has a great new feature for you – the individual object’s zoom-in-history-view. … Read More

Third International Mapathon on Mon 17.05.2021 by disastermappers heidelberg, MAMAPA, CartONG, HuMap and OSM Ghana

Dear mappers, on Monday 17.5.2021, 18.00pm a third international mapathon together with disastermappers heidelberg, MAMAPA, CartONG, HuMap and OSM Ghana will take place, which will give you some insights in mapping for humanitarian purposes from the perspective of different organizations … Read More

Detecting OpenStreetMap missing buildings by transferring pre-trained deep neural networks

Recently, a new research paper “Detecting OpenStreetMap missing buildings by transferring pre-trained deep neural networks” (Pisl, J., Li, H., Herfort, B., Lautenbach, S., Zipf, A. 2021) has been accepted at the the 24th AGILE conference 2021. The conference will take … Read More