Prof. Dr. Alexander Zipf

Scientific Director


Before coming to Heidelberg he led the Chair of Cartography at Bonn University and earlier was Professor for Applied Computer Science and Geoinformatics at the University of Applied Sciences in Mainz, Germany. He has a background in Mathematics and Geography from Heidelberg University and finished his PHD at the European Media Laboratory EML in Heidelberg where he was the first PhD student. There he also conducted further research as a PostDoc for 3 years.

Prof. Dr. Alexander Zipf is the Chair of GIScience (Geoinformatics) at Heidelberg University’s Department of Geography, where he has been leading research since 2009. As a prominent figure in the field, he is a founding member of the Heidelberg Center for the Environment (HCE) and a member of the Centre for Scientific Computing (IWR).

Prof. Zipf has held several key academic leadership positions, including Managing Director of the Department of Geography (2012-2014) and Vice Dean of the Faculty for Chemistry and Geosciences (2011-2012).

With extensive experience in geoinformatics and spatial analysis, Prof. Zipf is the head of HeiGIT (Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology). His academic career includes contributions as the speaker of the graduate school CrowdAnalyser and serving on the editorial boards of numerous scientific journals.

For a detailed CV, please visit the GIScience page.

Short CV:

Chair of GIScience at Heidelberg University since 2009, actively establishing the Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT).

– Managing Director, Department of Geography (2012-2014)

– Vice Dean, Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences (2011-2012)

– Speaker of the graduate school “CrowdAnalyser” (2012-2018)

– Associated Editor, Geo-spatial Information Science (GSIS), Taylor & Francis

– Editorial Board Member, multiple geoscience journals

– Chair of Cartography at Bonn University

– Professor for Applied Computer Science and Geoinformatics at the University of Applied Sciences in Mainz

– PhD at the European Media Laboratory (EML), Heidelberg — first PhD student

Main Research Areas:

Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI), Crowdsourcing, Citizen Science

Analysis and Processing of Geographic Data

Integrating New Methods from Geoinformatics & GIScience in Geography