Advancing urban modelling with emerging geospatial datasets and crowdsourcing

HeiGIT is proud to be co-organizing the GIScience colloquium.

Hörsaalzentrum Chemie, Hörsaal West, INF 252

Date & Time

April 24, 2023 10:00 am

HeiGIT is proud to be co-organizing the upcoming GIScience colloquium, “Advancing urban modelling with emerging geospatial datasets and crowdsourcing” by Dr. Filip Biljecki of the National University of Singapore

The colloquium will take place in the Hörsaalzentrum Chemie, Hörsaal West, INF 252 on Monday, 24th April 2023, at 10 a.m.

The talk presents recent research efforts on urban and geospatial modelling at the Urban Analytics Lab at the National University of Singapore, and it focuses specifically on understanding the usability of emerging datasets and crowdsourcing.

The Urban Analytics Lab spearheads a holistic and intertwined research agenda that covers the entire geospatial process in the urban realm: from advancing means to acquire data and standardizing it to developing new use cases and unlocking value with AI & data analytics.

Much of the work is focused on OpenStreetMap and other VGI, and the talk covers recent investigations on data quality, data gaps, and understanding contributors.

Talk and discussion will be in English.