HeiGIT Maps support DKFZ’s Cancer Information Service

One of HeiGIT’s goals is the beneficial use of geoinformation for society. To this end we provide a range of different Web services, mostly based on OpenStreetMap (OSM), such as openrouteservice or the OSM history analytics platform ohsome.org. In particular we also offer several OSM based map services such as the topographic maps OSM-WMS.de , the global OSM climate protection map klimaschutzkarte.org , the Open healthcare access map or improved landuse maps OSMlanduse.org.

Fig. 1: DKFZ KID Mapsearch supported by HeiGIT's osm-wms.de maps

The German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg is the largest biomedical research institute in Germany and a member of the Helmholtz Association of National Research Centers.

Besides their research activities the DKFZ offers a Cancer Information Service (KID). The KID offers information about the widespread disease of cancer for patients, their families, and the general public.
Apart from other services the KID offers an easy to use online-search-tool for patients and their families to find nearby Cancer Advice Centers and Psycho-oncological practices.

The Heidelberg Institute of Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT) supports these search-tools by providing a free topographic background map – based on HeiGIT’s osm-wms.de – to visually locate the search results. The map of osm-wms.de is based on data of the collaborative mapping project OpenStreetMap.

Other health related HeiGIT activities: