Taginfo goes ohsome

Did you know that the OpenStreetMap (OSM) taginfo site now lets you access the ohsome dashboard? This allows you to gain refined insights into the usage stats of specific keys and tags. Taginfo is the main source for statistics about … Read More

ohsome Region of the month – Temporal OSM developments in Kyiv

Welcome back to our ohsome region of the month series! In this post, we’ll take a look at the temporal development of highways and added smoothness-information, as well as social facilities and updates on map development for Kyiv. Before we … Read More

Near realtime OpenStreetMap data and stats: OSHDB and ohsome API are now updated hourly

We have exciting ohsome news! As many of you know, past OSHDB updates happened weekly and led to a delay between the data in OpenStreetMap (OSM) and our database. Basically, you had to wait up to a week to see … Read More

Job Offer: “Lead: Geo Machine Learning for Good”, Senior Spatial Data Science Expert (m, f, d), 100%, permanent, HeiGIT gGmbH

Do you want to use your machine learning expertise for the benefit of society and the environment? Do you want to improve the availability and quality of geospatial data and further develop geoinformatics methods used for open, non-profit applications in … Read More

ohsomeHeX provides access to OSM feature history

Did you ever wonder how your city was mapped over time, how geometries were changed and refined, how mistakes were added and corrected again? Then read on: ohsomeHex has a great new feature for you – the individual object’s zoom-in-history-view. … Read More

OSM History Analysis with ohsomeHeX v1.0

Get valuable insights into the quality and development process of OpenStreetMap data with ohsomeHeX! We are proud to announce a new release that provides a completely redesigned UI that makes it easier to keep track of all relevant information. Choose … Read More

ohsome API v1.1 – changes and new functionalities

Recently we’ve had the first minor release 1.1 of the ohsome API, which brings several new features and upgrades. In the following lines we want to present to you the most important ones. Prior to 1.1, when you were requesting … Read More

The future of working with OSM data

The open, flexible and collaborative nature as well as the benefits and advantages of OpenStreetMap (OSM) lead to the creation of a whole new ecosystem evolving around the project. They range from local and global communities of data and software … Read More

New function in the ohsome API for checking query parameters

As you may already know from the latest blog posts, new advancements are brought with the release 1.0 of the #ohsome API. One minor function involves the correctness of parameters that you can use in your queries, which was developed … Read More

How to become ohsome part 6: Introducing the magical filter parameter

We are back again with a fresh part of the How to become ohsome blog series. In case this 6th part of the series is your first one, or you have not heard from our awesome OpenStreetMap History Data Analytics … Read More

Invited talk at the Spatial Data Science Symposium 2019, Santa Barbara

The Center for Spatial Studies, Department of Geography at the University of California, Santa Barbara is hosting the Spatial Data Science Symposium 2019 this coming week with the title “Setting the Spatial Data Science Agenda” Over 40 selected participants will … Read More

GeoNet.MRN at Smart City Expo World Congress Barcelona 2019

Last week was the Smart City Expo World Congress 2019 took place in Barcelona. Our region geoinformation network GeoNet.MRN was there with a booth presenting the members of GeoNet.MRN, among others the GIScience Research Group / HeiGIT at Heidelberg University. … Read More

Recap of HeiGIT @ FOSS4G 2019

First of all, thanks to everybody who attended our ohsome lab at last weeks FOSS4G in Bucharest. Even though there were eleven (!) tracks running in parallel, and our lab was not in the same location as the program track, … Read More

Exploring OSM history: the example of health related amenities

Introduction Exploring how OpenStreetMap data developed over time across different administrative units might reveal interesting insights into the self organizing approach of the OSM communities and can potentially be used to derive intrinsic data quality indicators. It might even be … Read More

How to become ohsome part 5: Measuring numbers of users editing different OSM features

Besides dealing with a snake, making quality assessments, or generating comparable statistics, one needs to know how to handle the whole functionality provided by the ohsome API to really become ohsome. And to achieve exactly that, this blog presents the … Read More

OSHDB: a framework for spatio-temporal analysis of OpenStreetMap history data

Earlier we published several blogposts introducing the ohsome platform and its parts (e.g. the ohsome API for example, which was often showcased here in the blog) and its backbone the OSHDB (very recently version 0.5 was published). A recent open … Read More

OpenStreetMap History Database – version 0.5

The OpenStreetMap History Database (OSHDB) is what powers most of the functionality of HeiGIT’s ohsome platform. The ohsome API for example, which was often showcased here in the blog, is built on top of the OSHDB. Just recently, an open … Read More

How to become ohsome part 4: handling a snake in a notebook on another planet

Welcome back to a new episode of how to become ohsome. Yes, you’ve read the heading correctly. We are really talking about a snake in a notebook on another planet. If you are familiar with one of the most used … Read More

Global analyses are ohsome

We, the Big Spatial Data Analytics Group at HeiGIT have ohsome news to share: From now on, you can send your requests to our global ohsome API instance. So far, we’ve had a public instance for Nepal and Germany, but … Read More

OpenStreetMap history explorer – ohsomeHeX published

The exploration of the history of OpenStreetMap data presents an important step to uncover semantic connections, regions of interest and their contiguity in time and space at varying scales. Therefore, the HeiGIT Big Spatial Data Analytics team presents a first … Read More