GIS for Disaster Response: A Field Trial by the University of Heidelberg

Two weeks ago, as part of a seminar on GIS for Disaster Risk Reduction led by HeiGIT employees, students from Heidelberg University tested several HeiGIT services in a field test. The focus was on the following applications: openrouteservice, the disaster … Read More

HeiGIT at Summer School Disaster Risk Reduction 2023

Today we’d like to tell you about the Summer School Disaster Risk Reduction 2023 event hosted by the Environmental Campus of UAS Trier in Germany and organized by the German Committee for Disaster Reduction (DKKV). During this one-week course that … Read More

Guest lectures on Volunteered Geographic Information at UC Chile

In May 2023, Prof. Dr. Alexander Zipf visited the UC Chile (Pontificia Universidad de Catolica de Chile) and the Heidelberg Center for Latin America (HCLA) in Santiago (Chile) together with Anne Schauß, giving two open lectures that showcased past and … Read More

Flood Impact Assessment on Road Network and Healthcare Access at the example of Jakarta, Indonesia

Extreme natural events create catastrophic situations for cities and their populations. Due to climate change and anthropogenic activities, the number and intensity of these events has steadily increased at the global scale. Floods are the most common natural disaster worldwide, … Read More

CALL FOR PAPERS – GIS Track at 18th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM 2021)

CALL FOR PAPERS – 18th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM 2021) May 23-26, 2021, Virginia, USA – Virginia Tech Track: Geospatial Technologies and Geographic Information Science for Crisis Management (GIS) Deadline for … Read More

GeoNet.MRN at Smart City Expo World Congress Barcelona 2019

Last week was the Smart City Expo World Congress 2019 took place in Barcelona. Our region geoinformation network GeoNet.MRN was there with a booth presenting the members of GeoNet.MRN, among others the GIScience Research Group / HeiGIT at Heidelberg University. … Read More

Tools for Disaster Risk Reduction by HeiGIT – Celebrating the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction

Today we celebrate the International Day for #DisasterRiskReduction. HeiGIT offers a growing set of tools and services that support humanitarian aid during and before disasters. Examples include work in the context of the Missing Maps initiative, like conceptualising and extending … Read More

Teaching at the Heidelberg Center for Latin America in Santiago de Chile

This year, Sabrina Marx and Martin Hilljegerdes were teaching the block course “GIS 2” at the Heidelberg Center for Latin America (HCLA) in Santiago de Chile. The course is part of the international Master program “Governance of Risks and Resources”, … Read More

HeiGIT/ GIScience at ISCRAM conference in Valencia

19th-22nd of May, the 16th Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM) conference is taking place in Valencia. Likewise to previous years, the GIScience Research Group/HeiGIT are taking part and supporting with several contributions. Martin Hilljegerdes will present a … Read More

HeiGIT at German Red Cross “Digitalisation in Civil Protection” congress

HeiGIT members Melanie Eckle and Martin Hilljegerdes were invited to the “Digital in civil protection” congress of the Landesverband Westfalen-Lippe in Münster to share insights and to present current activities all around “Potentials of Open Data and Digital Humanitarians for … Read More

Jupyter Notebook: Combining Twitter Data and OpenRouteService Directions API

In the case of a disaster fast response is important and life saving. Information on blocked streets is crucial, but a the same time this infornations needs to be considered by routing engines in real-time. However, many routing engines use … Read More