HeiGIT’s 5 Years Milestone: Looking Back at our Achievements

HeiGIT is celebrating its fifth anniversary today, July 1st! To commemorate this occasion, we invite you to join us on a little walk down memory lane. As we reflect on our achievements and the milestones we have reached, we want … Read More

ohsome Quality API: New Features

Are you ready to take your OpenStreetMap (OSM) data analysis to the next level? We’re excited to showcase the latest features of our ohsome Dashboard, designed to provide you with insights into OSM data quality. With the ohsome Dashboard, analyzing … Read More

OQT for Food Environments

HeiGIT and the Amsterdam University Medical Center (UMC) partnered up to investigate food environments through the lens of OpenStreetMap (OSM) data. UMC analyses how exposure to different categories of food related retailers affects health matters. The assumption is that the … Read More

OQT for Food Environments

HeiGIT and the Amsterdam University Medical Centers (UMC) partnered up to investigate food environments through the lens of OpenStreetMap (OSM) data. UMC analyses how exposure to different categories of food related retailers affects health matters. The assumption is that the … Read More

Version 1.0 of the ohsome quality API and ohsome dashboard

At HeiGIT and in particular within the ohsome team, we strive to provide valuable insights into OpenStreetMap (OSM) data. The ohsome API offers aggregated statistics on the evolution of OSM elements since 2020. These are made easily accessible by the … Read More