Big Spatial Data Analytics of Geodata in the Cloud – Festive Colloquium 50 anniversary URZ

The computing center (URZ) of Heidelberg University will be celebrating its 50th anniversary on Friday 11th October 2019 with a festive colloquium.

Prof. Dr. Alexander Zipf gives a speech on Big Spatial Data Analytics of geodata in the cloud. Examples from the work of the Department of Geoinformatics of the University of Heidelberg and the Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT gGmbH) will show how current research questions and applications around global geodata sets are answered using cloud infrastructures of the URZ Heidelberg. Topics include route planning, spatiotemporal analysis of data quality, or machine learning techniques to improve and derive land use or settlement information to support humanitarian relief operations.

To the Press release (German)

Programm of the Festive colloquium 1.94 MBTo the press release

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