Case Studies

Vaccination Center Routing and Accessibility Analysis

As COVID-19 cases surge and vaccination becomes more and more crucial in ending the pandemic vaccination centers play a key role in the immunization of the population. The Vaccination Center Routing Service has been created as part of the Openrouteservice. This free service aims to help people find their assigned vaccination center and provide the most efficient route possible. As well as providing the routing service HeiGIT researchers performed an isochrone analysis for Germany highlighting regions and federal states where vaccination center distribution leads to relatively large travel distances for a significant part of the population.

Case Study Vaccine Routing

Machine Learning to Spot Unmapped Areas

This project is an approach to explore missing built-up areas in OpenStreetMap (OSM) with a combination of social and remote sensing. Both data sources can complement one another and can significantly reduce volunteer mapping efforts and maintaining data quality. Organizations as the German Red Cross and Médicines Sans Frontières can benefit, as well as Mapathon-hosts and organisations that use MapSwipe.

Case Study Machine Learning

HeiGIT Support for MapSwipe

MapSwipe is an open-source mobile app that is making worldwide mapping more coordinated and efficient. Humanitarian organisations such as Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) and the Red Cross (RC) make use of MapSwipe to identify settled regions. Since its start in 2016, MapSwipe has scaled to 50,000 app users mapping 1,700 km².

Case Study MapSwipe

ohsome for Data Quality Assessment

The OpenStreetMap (OSM) community has over 1 million active contributors, around 50,000 of which are active each month. OSM is used in various scenarios and by Mega-Corporations as well as by humanitarian actors. Academics use the OSM data set in their research as supplementary data set, as well as study it as a primary research subject. Data quality and fitness-for-purpose have been a research focus of many scientists for more than a decade now and, with the increasing importance of OSM, are becoming even more relevant.

Case Study Quality Assessment

Humanitarian OSM Statistics

The Humanitarian OSM Stats (Humstats) dashboard developed by HeiGIT serves several humanitarian organisations to provide detailed reports on their OSM mapping statistics on a global scale. Organisations that use the Humanitarian OSM Stats tool are Médicines sans Frontières (MSF), the Humanitarian OpenSteetMap Team (HOT), Tanzania Development Trust and the American Red Cross as well as local communities, companies and other groups and humanitarian organisations.

Case Study OSM Stats

ohsomeHex: Analyzing Baseline Health Facility Data

ohsomeHeX is a HeiGIT developed tool which provides information about the status of mapped areas over time. It can be used to retrace the amount of mapped elements in Open Street Map (OSM). For this use-case HeiGIT developed a layer within ohsomeHeX that compares OSM Data to another base dataset provided by Maina et al (2019). It shows the discrepancies between OSM data and the aforementioned base dataset which was collected using a combination of official data and personally communicated data. Those discrepancies are potentially interesting areas where there might be data missing. HeiGIT supported with ohsomeHeX to analyze, monitor and evaluate mapped and not yet mapped public health care facilities in Senegal during a HOT Microgrant Project.

Case Study ohsomeHeX