Over the last few days, Heidelberg has been host to the annual HOT Summit and State of the Map conference with a combined attendance of over 800 people.
The HOT summit ran from the 19th-20th September and had over 200 attendees from more than 40 different countries. The SotM conference, running from the 21st to the 23rd September, had almost 600 attendees from over 60 different countries, making it the biggest SotM to date. Both events saw a great selection of high quality workshops and talks, ranging from routing & navigation and AI, to mapping for energy conservation and disease outbreak preparedness. Also, in the SotM conference there was a dedicated academic track running the whole of Sunday. For all those people who were unable to attend the conferences, or just want to see the talks they missed or want to see again, a number of them were recorded and are available for both HOT Summit and SotM.
So a big thankyou to all of the local team, the organising committees, the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team, the OSMF, our volunteers, the sponsors of both conferences, and most of all, to all the attendees who made this a truly memorable SotM and HOT summit.
Now let’s keep Bridging the Map so that next years State of the Map in Cape Town and the HOT Summit (location yet to be decided) are even better than this years!