2021 Volcanic Eruption in La Palma (Spain) continues – Explore the temporal changes of the Lava Field in OpenStreetMap on ohsomeHeX

On the 19th of September 2021 a volcanic eruption on the Canary Island of La Palma started.

Since then the resulting lava field is constantly growing and continues its destructive expansion. According to an article in the spanish newspaper El Pais, after one month of eruptions – till 19th of Oktober 2021- the volcano destroyed about 1700 buildings, over 50 km of roads and its lava fiels covered about 760 ha of land.

Figure 1: ohsomeHeX showing the lava lield of the volcanic eruption in La Palma (Spain) 2021

Figure 2: Area in km² that has been covered by the lava field in La Palma (Spain)

The outline of the lava field gets updated frequently in OpenStreetMap (OSM). This is mainly based on local observations and drone flight data available on https://www.opendatalapalma.es/.

The HeiGIT ohsome team made the contributor’s efforts of keeping OSM up-to-date during such a natural disaster event visible by leveraging HeiGIT’s technology to extract full-history OSM data using the ohsome API. These data contain every single map edit and can be temporally explored on ohsomeHeX (https://ohsome.org/apps/osm-history-explorer/#/volcano_eruption_la_palma_spain_202109/2021-10-21T06:01:12Z%2F2021-10-21T14:00:00Z/13/28.616173745603703/-17.89821350736635). Currently we are checking for OSM updates on an hourly basis, so bookmark the ohsomeHeX link and be informed on the future developments in La Palma.

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