New Paper: „UAV-Assisted Municipal Solid Waste Monitoring for Informed Disposal Decisions“

Solid waste pollution is the cause of many environmental and health risks, especially in areas where waste is generated in large quantities but cannot be properly disposed of. Knowledge of the size and location of dump sites is required to … Read More

New Paper: „Enriching building function classification using Large Language Model embeddings of OpenStreetMap Tags“

Rapid global urbanization is placing immense pressure on planners to make informed decisions that promote sustainable growth. A crucial aspect of this challenge is understanding how urban buildings are used. Traditionally, classifying the function of buildings—such as residential or commercial—relies … Read More

New Paper in Nature ‚Scientific Reports‘: „High-resolution Mapping of Urban Aedes Aegypti Immature Abundance Through Breeding Site Detection Based on Satellite and Street View Imagery“

Knoblauch, S; Su Yin, M.; Chatrinan, Krittin; Rocha, Antonio A. de A.; Haddawy, P.; Biljecki, F.; Lautenbach, S.; Resch, B.; Arifi, D.; Jänisch, T.; Morales, I.; and Zipf, A published the paper ‚High-resolution mapping of urban Aedes aegypti immature abundance … Read More