
Upcoming Events

HeiGIT is participating to this year's Humanitarian Networks and Partnership Weeks with a session on the practical applications of AI in humanitarian work, presented by Dr. Sukanya Randhawa, Lead Machine Learning for Good.
The FOSSGIS conference is the largest conference for open source geoinformation software and OpenStreetMap in the German-speaking world. This year´s edition will take place from 26-29 March 2025 in Münster, Germany. Current research and development topics will be presented and discussed in various formats. HeiGIT is once again contributing with two different sessions.
Climate mitigation and protection against heat have many facets. The exhibition “The Aesthetics of Climate Adaptation” aims to present urban measures for adapting to the consequences of climate change with a focus on Heidelberg's Bahnstadt district.
At the end of March, geoEpi’s participation in the 2023 CGA Conference “From Geospatial Research to Health Solutions” highlighted this invaluable research overlap and presented promising avenues for future collaboration.
HeiGIT will present its software “ohsome quality analyst” (OQT) at the FOSSGIS Conference in Berlin this week.
The Sketch Map Tool is an easy-to-use, open-source and free-of-charge tool which facilitates community mapping.
This week, HeiGIT is on the edge of our seats at Live Awards Ceremony.
Der Klimawandel, Grenz- und Wasserkonflikte stellen enorme Herausforderungen für die aktuelle und kommenden Generationen dar. In all diesen Bereichen und darüber hinaus bietet die Geographie einmalige Chancen, zielgerichtet Lösungen zu erarbeiten.
We are happy to announce that, this year, GIScience and HeiGIT will have four contributions to the FOSS-Community "conferencathon" in Florence.
The representatives of the various groups and organizations give an introduction to OpenStreetMap (OSM) and humanitarian mapping in general.
Within the recently completed project SocialMedia2Traffic, we have developed a system to model traffic speed of urban roads depending on the time of day.
Dr. Carolin Klonner (GIScience Research Group) and Melanie Eckle-Elze (HeiGIT) will be supporting the Urban Context Unit of German Red Cross (GRC) in the “Data and Digitalisation in Urban Humanitarian Action” session.

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