Tag: Routing

Informationen und Navigation zu urbanen Grünflächen in Städten – meinGrün Neues mFund Kooperations-Projekt meinGrün wird vom BMVI gefoerdert. Problemstellung Um in Städten trotz Wachstum und Nachverdichtung eine hohe Lebensqualität zu…

Exactly 10 years ago openrouteservice.org came online for the very first time. Back then it was the very first online routing service consuming data from OpenStreetMap.org covering larger areas. So…

The Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) provides immediate support for disaster or humanitarian responses by coordinating and activating a global network of mappers that contribute up-to-date geodata to the OSM database….

We have finally developed a pretty handy python API for all of you pythoniasts out there. This library makes requests to the openrouteservice API extremely simple. With this you will…