Our Contribution to the State of the Map Europe 2024 Conference in Łódź

This year, two of our colleagues will participate at the State of the Map Europe 2024 Conference, which will take place from July 18-21, 2024, in Łódź, Poland. The annual event is a cornerstone for the European (OpenStreetMap) OSM community, … Read More

State of the Map Africa 2023

This year’s State of the Map Africa will kick off today. Yaounde, the capital of Cameroon, is hosting a three-day conference with an emphasis on OpenStreetMap in Africa as a growing network and as a part of global OSM structures. To enable exchange … Read More

HeiGIT at State of the Map Europe 2023

Die diesjährige State of the Map Europe Conference (SotM EU) fand in Antwerpen, Belgien Statt. Die HeiGIT Mitarbeiter Benjamin Herfort und Jochen Stier haben die Konferenz besucht. SotM ist eine Plattform für OSM-Kartierende, Open-Source-Entwickler*Innen, Forscher*Innen, GIS-Fachleute, Kartographer*Innen und viele andere … Read More

HeiGIT/GIScience @ State of the Map 2021

Like in 2020, this year’s State of the Map (SotM) is taking place online this week from tomorrow 2021-07-09 to 2021-07-11, starting at 12:00 (CEST) each day. This year, HeiGIT is a bronze sponsor. In addition, there are a total … Read More

GIScience Contributions to the 2019 State of the Map Academic Track proceedings

Recently the SOTM 2019 Heidelberg Academic Track Proceedings have been published. GIScience Research Group Heidelberg and HeiGIT contributed several talks and posters. Below you can find an overview. Contact us if you are interested in further details on ongoing research. … Read More

State of the Map and HOT Summit in Heidelberg

SotM Image by Thomas Skowron, licensed under CC BY 2.0 Over the last few days, Heidelberg has been host to the annual HOT Summit and State of the Map conference with a combined attendance of over 800 people. The HOT … Read More

Pressekonferenz: State of the Map, Heidelberg 21.09.2019

Presseeinladung 18.09.2019 (PDF Link hier) Weltkonferenz für eine Freie Karte Die Macher von OpenStreetMap treffen sich in Heidelberg Universität Heidelberg und Verkehrsministerium Baden-Württemberg unterstützen Initiative Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, hochwertiges digitales Kartenmaterial muss nicht kommerziell sein. Seit mittlerweile 15 … Read More

State of the Map 2019: Website is online now

State of the Map is the annual event for all mappers and OpenStreetMap users. Enjoy three days in Heidelberg with talks, discussions, workshops, code and documentation sprints all around the free and open map of the world. Subscribe to the … Read More