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Researchers at HeiGIT (Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology) have publicly…
As summer temperatures soar, the health risks associated with heat…
The HeiGIT gGmbH (Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology) team has…
HeiGIT is embarking on an initiative to address one of…
The “Waterproofing Data” project has won the ESRC Celebrating Impact…
Re-arranging food production: How we could use the vegetation zones…
The transdisciplinary project HEAL involves citizens in the research process…
Benjamin Herfort and his colleagues Sven Lautenbach, JoĂŁo Porto de…
Sketch Map Tool (SMT) – An easy-to-use way to create…
During catastrophic events such as the recent TĂĽrkiye/Syria earthquake, the…
With the OSHDB Ver. 1.0, the Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation…
Geoinformatics researchers from Heidelberg are helping to improved the usability…
Underpasses, stairs, and high curbsides are a challenge for people…
The impact of climate change is particularly strong in higher…
Die Universität Heidelberg berichtet aktuell ĂĽber NEUER ROUTENPLANER ERMITTELT…
We’re excited to share the release of the ohsome-planet –…
With the increasing availability of global disease datasets, Visual Analytics…
Scientific Reports publishes a paper by Steffen Knoblauch et al….
The concept of a “Digital Earth” has long envisioned a…
The crowdmapping app MapSwipe now integrates also street-level imagery. This…
The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of understanding human behavior…
The newly released Sketch Map Tool v2.1 features a higher…
This article was originally published on the website of 510,…
To what extent does crime potentially inhibit geographical access to…
HeiGIT has released the 2024 key statistics and numbers of…
Join our collaborative workshop at the AGILE Conference in Dresden…
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Background imagery created with data from OpenStreetMap contributorsÂ