Forecast-based Financing (FbF) is an innovative approach to disaster management that focuses on taking early action based on meteorological forecasts and risk assessments to mitigate the impacts of potential disasters….

Two weeks ago, as part of a seminar on GIS for Disaster Risk Reduction led by HeiGIT employees, students from Heidelberg University tested several HeiGIT services in a field test….

Extreme natural events create catastrophic situations for cities and their populations. Due to climate change and anthropogenic activities, the number and intensity of these events has steadily increased at the…

CALL FOR PAPERS – 18th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM 2021) May 23-26, 2021, Virginia, USA – Virginia Tech Track: Geospatial Technologies and…

Last week was the Smart City Expo World Congress 2019 took place in Barcelona. Our region geoinformation network GeoNet.MRN was there with a booth presenting the members of GeoNet.MRN, among…

Today we celebrate the International Day for #DisasterRiskReduction. HeiGIT offers a growing set of tools and services that support humanitarian aid during and before disasters. Examples include work in the…

This year, Sabrina Marx and Martin Hilljegerdes were teaching the block course “GIS 2” at the Heidelberg Center for Latin America (HCLA) in Santiago de Chile. The course is part…

19th-22nd of May, the 16th Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM) conference is taking place in Valencia. Likewise to previous years, the GIScience Research Group/HeiGIT are taking part…

HeiGIT members Melanie Eckle and Martin Hilljegerdes were invited to the “Digital in civil protection” congress of the Landesverband Westfalen-Lippe in Münster to share insights and to present current activities…

In the case of a disaster fast response is important and life saving. Information on blocked streets is crucial, but a the same time this infornations needs to be considered…