We are happy to announce that the IDEAL-VGI project by GIScience has been successfully completed. IDEAL-VGI was a tandem project in cooperation with BegĂĽm Demir from the TU Berlin and…
As 2023 is coming to an end, we would like to take the opportunity to look back at this eventful year and appreciate the advance that HeiGIT has made towards…
With the OSHDB Ver. 1.0, the Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT) releases a professional software that enables analyzing and visualizing of OpenStreetMap data development via a simple dashboard. Heidelberg,…
Featured Photo: Ohsome dashboard interface for Heidelberg, Germany. In the words of Confucius, “The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.” As we release OSHDB (OpenStreetMap…
“Local Knowledge” is constituting the exceptional value of Volunteered Geographical Information and thus also considered as an important indicator of data quality. We are interested in how much local information…
Big news from the ohsome team: the release 1.0 of one of our major services, the ohsome API for ohsome OpenStreetMap History Analytics, is on the doorstep. We are bringing…
Humanitarian mapping activations show increasing numbers of contribution. This blog post illustrates the specific potential of the OSHDB API [1] for detailed analyses of such activations by means of a…
It’s been a while, since we have published the last blog post about the awesome ohsome platform, but don’t worry, there’s always something happening of course in the spatial analytics…
First of all, thanks to everybody who attended our ohsome lab at last weeks FOSS4G in Bucharest. Even though there were eleven (!) tracks running in parallel, and our lab…
Last week Dr. Clemens Jacobs successfully defended his PhD about methods for assessing the data quality of citizen science observations of organisms. Congratulations, well done!!! We wish all the very…
Besides dealing with a snake, making quality assessments, or generating comparable statistics, one needs to know how to handle the whole functionality provided by the ohsome API to really become…
Earlier we published several blogposts introducing the ohsome platform and its parts (e.g. the ohsome API for example, which was often showcased here in the blog) and its backbone the…
The OpenStreetMap History Database (OSHDB) is what powers most of the functionality of HeiGIT’s ohsome platform. The ohsome API for example, which was often showcased here in the blog, is…
Welcome back to a new episode of how to become ohsome. Yes, you’ve read the heading correctly. We are really talking about a snake in a notebook on another planet….
Max is two and loves spending Monday afternoons with his Dad at the playground. Finding a suitable playground however isn’t easy, since a few criteria must be met: there should…
We, the Big Spatial Data Analytics Group at HeiGIT have ohsome news to share: From now on, you can send your requests to our global ohsome API instance. So far,…
In the GIScience research group at Heidelberg University, a recent PhD research project by Clemens Jacobs has been looking into the data quality of citizen science observations of organisms. This…
This is your first blog of the ohsome series? Before you might be confronted with any potential spoilers, you should better check out the first and the second part of…
Welcome back to the second part of the blog series how to become ohsome. If you have not read the first part yet, better go and check it out now….
This blog post is the start of a series of posts, which describe what you are able to do using the ohsome framework developed at the Heidelberg Institute of Geoinformation…
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Background imagery created with data from OpenStreetMap contributorsÂ