Tag: OpenStreetMap

OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a global mapping project which generates free geographical information through a community of volunteers. OSM is used in a variety of applications and for research purposes. However,…

In this blog post we want to take a closer look at a fruitful mapping collaboration between humanitarian organizations and corporations. Since 2015 mapping remote areas in OSM is one…

The AGILE 2021 conference is taking place this week. It is the the 24rd AGILE conference on GIScience. AGILE is the Association of Geographic Information Laboratories in Europe and the…

Accurate and complete geographic data of human settlement is crucial for humanitarian aid and disaster response. OpenStreetMap (OSM) can serve as a valuable source, especially for global south countries where…

After Sub-Saharan Africa and South and Southeast Asia we have now published all countries of Central and South America on the Open Healthcare Access Map. The web application is available…

Did you ever wonder how your city was mapped over time, how geometries were changed and refined, how mistakes were added and corrected again? Then read on: ohsomeHex has a…

Dear mappers, on Monday 17.5.2021, 18.00pm a third international mapathon together with disastermappers heidelberg, MAMAPA, CartONG, HuMap and OSM Ghana will take place, which will give you some insights in…

Recently, a new research paper “Detecting OpenStreetMap missing buildings by transferring pre-trained deep neural networks” (Pisl, J., Li, H., Herfort, B., Lautenbach, S., Zipf, A. 2021) has been accepted at…

We are pleased that our research paper “Deriving indicators for Points of Interest and analyzing mixed activities in urban areas” (Ullah, Lautenbach, Zipf 2021) has been accepted at the 12th…

The Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT) and the international humanitarian geospatial charity MapAction have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) outlining their plans to collaborate in a number of…

The project “25 Mapathons“ goes into the next phase. Based on the experience of until today 17 OSM mapathons with German Red Cross (GRC) chapter and an extensive literature review…

Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) such as OpenStreetMap (OSM) is often defined as the collaborative acquisition of geographic information and local knowledge by volunteers, amateurs or professionals (Goodchild, 2007). The increasing…

Hello dear friends of the disastermappers heidelberg! At the moment, the Heidelberg International Weeks against Racism 2021 are running – and the disastermappers are also taking part! Why? The unequal…

Since 2010 organized humanitarian mapping has evolved as a constant and growing element of the global OpenStreetMap (OSM) community. With more than 8,000 projects in 150 countries humanitarian mapping has…

Up-to-date traffic information is a prerequisite for navigation solutions to determine the best route and travel time. However, there is no freely available traffic information on a global and federal…

Extreme natural events create catastrophic situations for cities and their populations. Due to climate change and anthropogenic activities, the number and intensity of these events has steadily increased at the…

Since 2010, organized humanitarian mapping has evolved as a constant and growing element of the global OpenStreetMap (OSM) community. With more than 7,000 projects in 150 countries, humanitarian mapping has…

Since 2010 organized humanitarian mapping has evolved as a constant and growing element of the global OpenStreetMap (OSM) community. With more than 7,000 projects in 150 countries humanitarian mapping has…

In the past 10 years, the collaborative maps of OpenStreetMap (OSM) have been used to support humanitarian efforts around the world as well as to fill important data gaps for…

Since 2010 organized humanitarian mapping has evolved as a constant and growing element of the global OpenStreetMap (OSM) community. With more than 7,000 projects in 150 countries humanitarian mapping has…